Saturday, February 19, 2011


Though we are far from the cutting edge of technology (no iPad, no Kindle, no HDTV satellite), we aren’t complete dinosaurs.  I don’t Tweet or Skype, but join the social networking crowd via Facebook – a great timesaver for communicating with our far-flung friends.  And of course this blog connects us with more people than we will ever meet.

A few weeks ago, I took another step into new technology: I bought and then used a Groupon.  I approached with my usual caution and suspicion, but our experience with our Groupon coupon and Corbin’s Bar and Grill (where we received $30 worth of food/drinks for our $15 coupon) in Tucson was very, very  positive. 

CupcakesI had a happy surprise recently when I received a $10 credit from Groupon, after someone (a blog reader, I assume), used my name as a referral when they joined Groupon.  This morning, as I reviewed my email (including the daily Groupon deals for Tucson and Sacramento), Sacramento’s deal caught my eye: half a dozen cupcakes for $8, usually $16.  I studied the deal, good for a year, and read reviews of the company.  Three locations, one near where we stay in Sacramento.  Best of all, free to me thanks to the $10 referral credit.

So, I’m in! 

Although I have heard Groupon mentioned in the news frequently recently (mostly because they rejected a $6 BILLION buyout offer from Google), I didn’t know how Groupon got started… as an off-shoot of a website called The Point.  This is from their website:

Groupon grew out of a website called The Point, a website launched in November 2007 that lets you start a campaign asking people to give money or do something as a group — but only once a "tipping point" of people agree to participate. By delaying action until enough people come together to have a real impact, The Point helps consumers, employees, citizens, activists, parents — or anyone — come together and solve problems that they couldn't solve alone.”

Another interesting concept!  Maybe I can browse The Point while I enjoy my cupcakes?

Back at CatalinaSpeaking of freebies…

A few days ago, I, along with many other bloggers, received an email from Joani Jones at Microsoft announcing the release of Microsoft’s newest version of Streets & Trips, 2011.  A press release was attached, and the offer included FIVE free copies of the product to offer as giveaways on my blog – generous, and a smart move on their part. 

The unsolicited free offer made me realize exactly how lazy I am.

I already own, use, and like Streets & Trips 2010.  Upon reading Joani’s email, my first thought was “The old version works well for me, and I understand how to use it.  I don’t want to take the time to learn a new version

Next came, “We’re on the road.  I don’t want to figure out how/where to receive the package.” followed immediately by “How would I decide who should get the freebies?  Too much work.” and finally “…then I’d have to ship them off!”

So I hit the delete button! 

Meanwhile, Rick (Rick and Paulette’s RV Travels) has already received his free copies, has designed a simple contest, and has 86+ comments on his blog to enter the giveaway.  For those of you faithful readers who suffer due to my lack of imagination and motivation, I suggest you get on over to Rick’s post (while I pour a glass of wine and relax) and get in on the contest today and tomorrow just by leaving a comment on his blog.  Tell him lazy Laurie sent you!  :)


  1. Ha! I had the same offer, and did the same as you. I've never used the program though, so I guess I didn't know what I was missing! :)

  2. little slow on the uptake..I was comment number 56..I can only hope I win!..after all he did win the 'red mittens' from my contest!!

  3. I'm also lazy, didn't bother to enter his contest, no desire whatsoever!

    PS: I always enjoy reading your blog!

  4. Hey, "Lazy Laurie" - your readers are coming over and signing up fast and furious!! This is going to be quite the draw!!

  5. If it makes you feel any better, I never returned the email to get my free copies either. I didn't trust that it was for real, and figured it was a fishing expedition. Designed to harvest email addresses and names and addresses.

  6. I'm not much for contests of any kind so I passed as well. We did receive that email too but I was very leery thinking it a scam. Rick & I sent a few emails back & forth with some concerns but now that he has them we will see if we can still get our 5 copies. If we do we'll just give 4 copies away to some RV friends like Jeanie & Ray. No contest though thank you very much:))

  7. We also got the same email, BUT we responded. Because I told them I wanted to test it before giving it away to our readers, they only sent one copy.

    It took so much to get our one copy with GPS to us, since the UPS driver dropped it off at the wrong site and the office DOES NOT ACCEPT packages where we are. Now, we are moving on down the road and where will our 5 copies land...the saga continues.

    We get these offers all the time since we LOVE reviewing items but the major problem is receiving the product to test...we have to find a way since we love trying new products and absolutely LOVE freebies!

  8. I have been interested in Groupon ...problem is we are in the sticks out here..and don't go into the cities where you would use them...Also, we rarely eat out...It sure sounds like there are some good deals though....

  9. I'm also lazy, but I commented on Rick's post just the same. However, since I use and like the 2010 version of S&T, it makes me wonder why the company saw it necessary to issue a new version so soon. Is there a big difference in the versions, or is it just a ploy to get more money from us unsuspecting consumers?

    Glad you've had a good experience with Groupon. I may try it one of these days.

  10. I've wondered about I'm definitely going to check it out -- thanks to you:)

  11. Sounds like I may be the only one who didn't get the email from Microsoft. I'm clearly out of the loop. Probably because my Streets & Trips is the 2008 version. LOL. But I probably would have thought there was a catch even if I had gotten it. I'm with you "lazy laurie".

    I was also WAY behind since I JUST signed up with Rick and Paulette, squeeked under the wire and was caller number 107. Is that blog comment record??

    But who knows. I never win anything, maybe this is the moment. :-)

  12. Thanks for the heads up on Groupon...I'll have to check it out.

  13. Groupon is the best. I have the app on my phone and have bought so many groupons during our travels here in FL. Fishing trips, Air boat trips, pub crawls, oil change for $9 for the car, the list goes on and on. I check all the cities I plan to be in each morning to see what is offered. My main concern in the beginning is what happens if the company goes out of business before you can use your groupon... according to Groupon they will reimburse you... Big savings for about 5 min of lurking each morning... By the way your motorhome renovations look fabulous

  14. I'm afraid I fell for the free copies of Streets and Trips, so now I'll have to think of a contest... By the time I get around to it, everyone will have a copy!
