As soon as we finalized our plans for August with the Dopps, we lit out of Portland and the 100+ degree heat wave. Since the weather forecast included one more day of record-breaking heat in the Pacific Northwest, we again made a reservation for a site with 50 amp electric power. We overnighted in a beautiful campground on the Hood Canal, overlooking the water.
This cool scene was just a few steps from our site, the photo taken when the tide was high. In the morning, low tide uncovered rocky, shallow flats. Folks with rakes and buckets were strolling along, intent on the rocks, harvesting oysters, the prime "crop" of the Hood Canal.On Thursday, it was a short hop up to Port Townsend where we snagged our favorite site at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge. Look at all that space! We are settled in until Monday morning when a rally group with reservations will be chasing us out. We're not sure where we will head next, but there are a lot of choices up here.
Today Odel is off to play golf while I revisit some of my favorite shops. Dinner tonight will be clam chowder at Fins Restaurant - we've never found clam chowder anywhere that can come close to the chowder at Fins. Yum!
Oh, I remember Port Townsend -- when Joy, Mom and I stayed there before taking the 3+ hour ferry ride through the San Juan Islands to Victoria!!!! We ate at a wonderful restaurant that hung right over the water. Fun memories!! And what a marvelous, fun time you are having!!!!!