200 MILES DOWN, 600 TO GO...!
On Tuesday, we drove from Las Cruces, NM, to Balmorhea, TX - with a stopover in El Paso, TX, attempting to get the oil changed in the motorhome. That didn't quite work out, so we just rolled on east through miles and miles of Texas. Man, this is one BIG state, and everything we saw on Tuesday was scrubby and arid.The GOOD thing about the drive is the road. I-10 on the western side of the state is lovely - wide, smooth, with a shoulder as wide as a lane. This is everything we dreamed of while we traveled the narrow, potholed roads of Mexico.
Check out the speed limit - it helps that you can blast through the miles at 80 mph, although WE can't, of course. Still, in the perfect weather we had, you can set the cruise control and make tracks.Our target for the night was a little RV park right off of I-10 at Balmorhea, where we usually stay at the wonderful, oasis-like state park. This time, though, we were arriving late and leaving early, so opted for the convenience of a freeway-side park. The wind blew hard enough that the freeway noise didn't bother us. This photo makes the place look a little nicer than it is, but it worked great for us.
WoW! How times have changed -- I remember well driving on this route several times with Al in the old days -- only then the speed limit was 55!!!!!!!!!! Now that WAS TEDIOUS!!!!!!